Tuesday, September 26, 2006


The order of things

It's Tuesday! Time for the fantasy football report! I can feel the anticipation building inside you already. Your insides are screaming "JUST GET ON WITH IT. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" So, before you explode, here it is: I won 4 of 5 games this week. That is good. I'm undefeated in one league and completely defeated in another.

Now, it may seem slightly wrong that I reported my fantasy football information before I gave the report on Angela's doctor's visit yesterday. However, fantasy football is exciting. Our (her) doctor was not available due to the insensitivity of another woman (actually 3 other women) who decided they'd just go ahead an give birth when their doctor was obviously busy. So we saw a nurse, did the heartbeat and measurement thing and left. Nothing too exciting. Braden is the exact size he should be at this time (boring). Seriously though, I praise God that Bra-dizzle is in good health (Angela too).

Got to keep it short today, I have a lot to do at work. For those of you who read 'My Jesus Book' I will have both yesterday's and today's post up tonight. I think I'm going to do some new testament stuff for a little change of pace.

Praise God.

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