Friday, September 29, 2006



Well I missed my posting deadline. Sorry.

Buisness first:

Starting weight: 230 lbs
Current weight: 218 lbs
Total loss: 12 lbs

So Todd, congrats, you gained a pound on me. Hope you enjoy the brats and nachos this weekend!

I have been continuing my running. I had a long run of about 4 miles and other runs of 3.5, 3 miles, and 2 miles. I have had a couple of days with multiple runs. I have also been trying to add some push-ups and crunches.

I have been particularly busy at work and this has provided me with an excuse not to keep up with 'My Jesus Book.' I hope that I can get back on that and keep with it. I have found that the more I read, the easier it is for me to pick up on things going on around me that shout GOD at me (other than my patients, followed by explitives). I'm going to his some Ephesians next.

I am considering setting another goal following my competition with Todd. I think that my weight loss goal will be to get down to my marriage weight by the time I become a daddy. This would mean getting below 210 (208 to be exact). I don't think I've seen that since I got back from my honeymoon.

Praise God.

congrats again. glad to hear your mileage too. you're pretty kickin' radical. when are you going to run with me and Tully?
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