Monday, September 11, 2006


Turning over an old leaf

When I was a freshman at SMSU (now Missouri State) I lived in a residence hall on the far north side of campus (Hammon's Hall). This required me to walk a considerable distance to all of my classes and any other activity going on around campus. I was also walking to Christian Campus House multiple times per day which added to my walking significantly. On top of this, the parking situation was dire and once you found a parking spot (especially one close to the building) you never moved your car. So this promoted walking to destinations off campus as well. The point is I walked a lot. In combination with generally not horrible eating habits I lost about 25 lbs my freshman year.

Today I walked from my home to my office. I estimate that this is between 6 and 7 miles and I completed this feat in just under 1 hour 20 min. I actually quite enjoyed the experience (except for the developing blister on my left foot). My new plan is to make this trek once a week (probably on Mondays) and to car pool with my wife and walk from her office to mine (probably about 2 miles). This in an effort to meet two goals. One, to beat Todd in our little weight loss thingy. Two, to accomplish a goal I set 5 months ago, to be more healthy when my child is born. To date I had not really done anything to accomplish the second. I will totally wuss out when it gets too cold, but until then, I'm walking.

As for my required posting of progress in weight loss:
Original Weight: 230
Weight this morning: 221
Total weight loss to date: 9 lbs

It should be noted that I ate at Ryan's Steakhouse and McDonalds over the weekend. However, I maintained discipline in my eating and feel pretty good about my eating despite the overwhelming desire to eat steak until my eyes fell out and french fries until my arteries jammed.

Praise God.

9 pounds that is great!! Next thing you know you will be shopping for smaller clothes. Congrats. Keep up the good work. This is a great competition.
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