Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Folding like a seven deuce off suit

Angela and I are trying to get all of Braden's stuff washed before he arrives. I have taken on the responsibility of sorting things by sizes and finding some way to organize and store his clothes, blankets, etc. The biggest question I have so far is; What is the proper way to fold a onesie? For those of you who haven't been around a lot of babies, or just don't care to know anything about them, a onesie is that cute little one piece (hence the name) article of clothing that has snaps in the crotch for easy access to the production end of the fecal plant. The 9-18 lb variety are quite small (about the size of a chihuahua sweater). The arms on these things are so small it is nearly impossible to fold them back as you might on a human-sized shirt. I tried three different methods of folding, settling on a tri-fold method resulting in a package the size of two packs of spider-man playing cards laying side by side. The second issue I had with sorting and storing (Huh, sorting and storing have the same exact letters but in a different order, how will I know when I made a typo and got them backwards?) the clothes was the 'matching set.' So I thought that I would have a seperate drawer for blankets, a drawer for onesies, and hang up outfits. This method was completely disrupted when I came across the 'matching set.' These typically include a onsie or sleeper (don't get me started on the different kinds of sleepers), a hat, a blanket, a bib, and sometimes little booties. What am I supposed to do with that? Do I seperate them and try to remember that it has stuff to match (am I supposed to care that there are matching items?)? Do I put them together in yet another drawer and try to come up with some excuse why I should be using the matching blanket when there's already a perfectly good one in the diaper bag already? Do I set them on fire in the back yard and when asked by the person that gave them to us how we like the matching set respond, "It kept him very warm." I don't know. My solution was to stack the sets up and stick them in a drawer and figure it out later. Regardless, our kid is going to be very well dressed when he has clothes on.

Angela and I went to Baby Days child development class last night. That was semi-interesting. For those of you who are parents out there (or plan to be at some time) DONT SHAKE YOUR BABY!!!

Subject change: Hopefully the Cardinals can wrap things up at Shea tonight. We don't need no more drama after that end of the season stink fest they put us through (I am aware that this is not gramatically correct writing, but in general, people interested in sports are not interested in grammar).

Another subject change: I finally got a new post up on My Jesus Book if you care to check it out. The link is below the baby pool guesses. Speaking of guesses HEY CARLYE! YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME A LENGTH!

Praise God.

You could always have the Fab-5 from Queer Eye come over and help you sort through and fold all those baby clothes. Never mind, that probably wouldn't be a good idea. At least not as good as an idea for a giant Adam-sized hamster wheel in your house... eh? eh? C'mon, you know you're thinkin' about it... Okay, so you're not, that's alright. You will get enough excercise when your mind is blown at the Wooten show Monday night!
I get it...don't have kids. I can't believe it is already starting. hehe
Fold the onesies in half, where the butt part meets the head part, I know it takes up a little more room but just go with it. As for the matching outfits, speaking from experience, if you don't put all of the piece together when they are stored you will forget you have them, and yes Adam if you have a blanket that matches the outfit you must use it. Braden will be adorable that way, not that he won't be otherwise but he will be stylin'!!

I am so proud of you being such a hands on dad. I am sure everyone is wondering why it is you who is organizing stuff instead of me. But I walk in the room and get overwhelmed with everything, you go in and have it organized in a heartbeat! You are the greatest!

The exact length will be 19.5 inches.

Hey Adam, in regards to folding the clothes and th match sets, more often than not you will never use the match set but once. Also, when trying to dress your child you will be so tired from the lack of sleep the night before, you will be lucky to put the clothes on anyways. A tip I was told that worked is fold your clothes as complete outfits, socks included so you just grab and go. Eventually it becomes unnecessary but it is a ood way to start
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