Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Hold on, it's a trivia explosion

I wanted to come up with something clever to write for All Hallows Eve. But I just couldn't come up with anything. So I came up with some Halloween info nuggets that you might enjoy.

1. Halloween is celebrated by more Americans than Yom Kippur.
2. Halloween night sees more arrests for vandalism and disorderly conduct than any other night of the year.
3. Princess (all varieties) is the most popular girls costume of all time. Athlete (all varieties) is the most popular for boys.
4. Halloween has higher holiday sales revenue than Easter.
5. More adults between the ages of 18-38 dress up that don't have kids than adults of the same age that do have kids.
6. More candy is purchased and consumed around Halloween than Christmas and Easter combined.
7. There are more prank phone calls on Halloween day than in any other entire month.
8. There are more accidental injuries on Halloween than the 4th of July.
9. It's easier to make up a bunch of false info nuggets about Halloween than any other holiday.

Subject change: We are 23 days out from Braden's due date. That's fewer days than I am years-old. So either I'm older than I feel or Braden's coming really soon. Other interesting 23s: The number of flavors in Dr. Pepper, Michael Jordan's jersey number, How old I was when I graduated with my Master's degree, it's a prime number, and it's how many hours have passed in the show 24 before you get to the season finale.

Stay safe and remember "Goblins are not the same as Hobgoblins."

Praise God.

As I was reading your list I was thinking to myself "Where is he coming up with this info?" and then ol' #9 answered me. 22 days. That's some crazy stuff.
Just 22 more days until I win the baby pool!!!

P.S. I like to see my name italized and Bold, like you are really yelling it.
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