Friday, October 13, 2006


Social experimentology at its finest

Wow! What a great response to the baby pool. It took me quite a while to get them all on there and formated correctly but it's quite an impressive list. The only duplicate days are the Ferguson's, they both must like Wednesdays.

PUBLIC UNALERT! Apparently I left the camera in my truck when I sold it to my dad. He found it three days ago and had been planning on holding it for ransom. However, he came clean and agreed to bring it up to me this weekend. Thanks dad! (really he was just going to suprise me)

So then I no longer would appreciate any 'consumer reports' regarding digital cameras. I really don't want any feedback on this. However, I would like any info you might have regarding video cameras in the "cheap" to "very affordable" range.

I did not get the doors put on the vanity due to having practice for worship team. Hopefully those will get done tonight or tommorow. Tonight Angela and I are taking a night off of running about and doing things all the time. As could be expected, she is a bit exhaused from lugging my kid all over the place. We have been very busy this week and will continue to be busy for the next 18-25 years (25 to account for more children, not to account for my son being a loser). So we're going to take it easy.

As a final comment for today; today is Friday the 13th. Many people believe that this is a spooky day or a scary day or whatever. Those peope are absolutely right! If you don't believe me get arrested and spend the night in jail tonight, you'll see*. As a note: I would not reccommend public intoxication as a means by which to get arrested, it really takes away from your ability to observe the freakyness of all the other people in "the tank." I think the best way to go would be misdemeanor property destruction, or walking your dog without a leash or something like that. Feel free to comment about your experiences here on my blog!

*I do not condone the violation of federal, state, or local laws in order to conduct interesting social experimental observations. This comment and most other comments made on this blog are simply provided for your amusement and mine. (This disclaimer brought to you by: "The Law Offices of Schemp, Beadle, and Musgrave")

If you run down the streets of Springfield naked...would you get to wear clothes in "the tank" or could you stay naked?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Usually it's Todd's comments that distract me from what I was going to comment on, but WHAT WAS THAT PAIGE?!
I gotta tell you, Adam, I was a bit jealous when I saw you had 10 comments so far on your last blog. It's almost as if I can here you saying, "Hey, blogging got served!" (Please reference the movie "You Got Served" to understand I'm making a reference to recent pop culture jargon referring to a dance off. Not that you're having a dance off with the blogging world, but more to do with your general ability to lay the wordal smack down on your blog posts.)
okay, here's my official entry into the baby pool.

november 16
8lbs. 4oz.
21.5 inches

--crazy leaf lady
Hey Adam,

That video camera, you and I bought at Best Buy is great. It was a sony something or other!!!LOL

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