Sunday, October 22, 2006



I want to write a big THANK YOU to everyone that came out and suprised me Saturday morning and worked on my house. I'm not the best at verbally expressing my gratitude but I am deeply grateful and sincerely appreciative of what you all did for us. More was accomplished in the few hours that everyone was here than I could have done by myself in weeks. Thanks to Todd who apparently organized the event. Thanks to Dana and his heavy equipment (the carpets look better than they have since we moved in). Thanks to Theresa for helping me with my mirror and the patio. Thanks to Christina for cleaning the patio furniture. Thanks to Anne for tending the fire in the rain. Thanks to the Sinnokrak's for being everywhere all at once. Thanks to Andy for hauling all my junk away. Thanks to Wyatt for getting muddy helping remove the stump from my front planter. Thanks to Jason for providing media coverage at this event (and clearing out my unwanted dead plants). Thanks to Angela for feeding everyone. Thanks to everyone for picking up all those walnuts. I know all of you did much more than what I listed here. There was so much going on I couldn't keep track of it all.

You guys are awesome and I thank God that he has put you all in my life.

Praise God.

It was fun and I'm willing and excited to help when you need it "because friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the lord of them. And a friend will not say never..." You get the point. Didn't that just make you want to hold up a lighter "like a candle in the wind?"
andy that was hilarious. i'm still laughing.
Adam, sorry I couldn't make the work day (mom popped into town) but it sounds like it went really well and maybe you can focus more on your baby and a little less on the house. much love to the harshmans
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