Sunday, November 26, 2006


A lesson in patience

I know many of you are wondering about Angela and I. No, Braden isn't here yet. We didn't forget to call you, it just hasn't happened. We spent our Thanksgiving weekend with each other, watching a lot of TV and getting a little stir-crazy. I think our patience is being tested. We feel as prepared as we can be and now we are just waiting around. I guess this has been a good lesson on God's timing. As much as we have planned on having a new baby around this weekend, God decided that it was not to be so. It has been very nice to be home with Angela. For the most part we have spent that time with just each other. We had family over on Thanksgiving day, it was nice to have family here for a change. We normally have to do the driving. It's amazing the power a 40 week pregnant lady can have over people.

I know that he'll be here soon but I can't help but wish Braden were here. We'll keep you posted (get it) on what is going on with us. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

Praise God.

Looks like nobody won the baby pool - no bold italics for anyone!
wow. I kept wanting to call you all weekend. (since we were in Branson, I felt we were out of the loop) But Todd said NO we don't call them they call us. So I just wanted to let you know we were thinking about you and praying for you!!
what? no Braden yet???? I'm waiting get a phone call. It's now 2:09 on the 27th. He's late, doesn't he know it's better to be one hour early than 15 minutes late. Let alone 4 days late. hehe
I guess nobody will win the bet now. Can I have my name in bold italics for guessing that?
We've been thinking of you. Everyday Carlye asks me if I have heard anything about Braden. We're praying! Can Angela even walk anymore?
I'm still waiting "patiently"!!
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