Monday, April 09, 2007


Dirty...not like Christina Aguilara

The first real workday in Mexico went well. I was assigned to be the co-leader of the group at Castanos (the 'n' is supposed to have the little ~ above it but I don't know how to do that on my computer). I had never worked at this site in previous years (because they just started working there last year). It was the site farthest from the camp (about a 45 min drive). We took 14 people out the first day. Our task was to dig a trench around the perimeter of the property for the footer of a wall. Then we were to fill it with large rocks (as filler) then with concrete to finish making the foundation for the wall. If we finished all that they wanted us to pour the forms to level off the foundation for laying cement block. The trenches were about 8 inches wide by 28 inches deep (24 X 30 at the posts) and about 200 feet long.

First day summary.... Everbody dug.

We got about 70% of the digging done the first day, that was incredible. As you might imagine, spending the entire day in a trench made us quite dirty and disgusting... so we all piled into the van with our nastiness and drove the 45 min back to camp.

At camp we ate dinner, had praise time, had small group meetings, and then the old people, such as myself, went to bed.

Praise God.


That sounds dirty.
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