Friday, April 20, 2007


Nessisito mas pesos por favor.

Continuing my report on my trip to Mexico...
Wed. and Thur. were similar in what was accomplished. We had finished with the digging and we were filling up the trenches with rocks and cement. Funny thing about the rocks was that we didn't have half the amount we needed. I realized this realatively early in the process and made a mental note to ask Dave to purchase some more materials for our work site. As we continued working (at break-neck speed) I began to realize that we were going to run out of gravel, cement, and water as well (pretty much everything we had). I had been expecting Dave to stop by, as he normally does, but he never did. Having no way to contact him, I took the libery of ordering truckloads of supplies to be delivered to the site. The fact that I had no funds with which to do this detered me not. So I ordered a dumptruck load of large rock, a load of gravel (to mix in the cement), 20 bags of cement, and a tanker of water. I also purchased 100 gallons of water to fill the barrels we already had. All in all I spent about 4000 pesos (roughly $380) with absolutely no guarantee that I wouldn't have to swipe my own Visa to pay for it.

After we returned to camp and resumed normal evening activities, I approached Dave and said:
Adam: "Hey Dave. Do you think there's any money in the budget for more supplies at Castanos?"
Dave: "Well, what do you need?"
Adam: "Well, we're running out of everything. We need a load of rock, a load of gravel, about 20 bags of cement, and a tanker of water."
Dave: "Wow, you guys must be working really hard!"
Adam: "Yeah."
Dave: "Yeah, I think we can handle that."
Adam: "Whew, that's good because their being delivered in the morning."
Dave: "Oh?"
Adam: "Well, I couldn't get ahold of you to ask so I went ahead and ordered what we needed."
Dave: "So how much is it?"
Adam: "About 4000 pesos."
Dave: "Hmmm."

So Dave gave me the money and I didn't have to explain to Angela why the Mexico trip cost me an extra $380 dollars.

A summary of the rest of the trip... We finished all the footers for the wall and got some of the wall poured. Excellent work. It was rewarding to see how much got done. We ate some good food that was preparred by the preacher's wife. We took more people every day we went out to the site and everyone worked hard to serve the community of Castanos.

That'll pretty much wrap up the series on Mexico 2007. I may pop in with a few more stories from time to time but that's all for now folks.

Praise God.

Gotta love a take charge kinda guy. Hope you and the fam are doing well. We haven't seen you in awhile and just today we were wondering how big Braden is now.
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