Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Here comes a ray of sunshine!

It's pretty sad that my wife has to hack into my blog and start posting for me to get this thing updated. Remember the time when posts seemed to appear daily, almost as if by magic? Remember the days you sat perched at the end of your computer chair, or sat comfortably on your couch with the warmth of your laptop radiating into your thighs as you eagerly read through the riveting commentary that I provided to you. You laughed, you laughed some more, and then you wrote heartwarming responses to add a special sense of meaning to my life. But then....you know....life gets in the way. A chasm began to form between us.... there wasn't the same feeling when you turned on that computer. You continued to check, daily at first, then a little less often. That spark of hope and joy inside you began to fade as the weeks and months went by and no further blogs were posted. I could feel it too. Your heart began to become hard and cold and the icy tundra of freezing death came upon us. Well.... get over it. It's just a blog. As I send this ray of sunshine down upon what has become likened to future Vice President Sarah Palin's home state of Alaska, I remind you that, like Alaska, there will likely be another long cold period of darkness right around the corner. But just when it seems like it's too much to handle and the darkness seems to be driving you to insanity, another ray will shine down on your face...and a little smile will tug at the corners of your cold pasty lips.

God bless.

Hilarious!!! :) Thanks for the new post!! :):)
Good to hear from you although this is funny my vote is for your wife this time. You should know why but just in case its because and the pictures. Thanks again Angela, Love Dad
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